Elgen’s F Corners – When You Need the Very Best – HVAC & Duct Accessories
Commercial applications mean more use and more stress on the parts you use and in the duct world the number one choice is Elgen’s F Corners produced right here in our own factory. Buying from Elgen means dealing directly with the manufacturer with no middle man or shipper involved. Our friendly customer service staff knows the answers to your questions and can answer them and take your order. And if for any reason you can’t find the exact product you need we’ll even look into manufacturing the exact hardware you are looking for.
The Elgen’s F Corners take it to the next level with the ability to hold up to even the toughest commercial applications. Manufactured in our own factory to our exact specifications this product is available in Auto F Corners, EZ-F Corner, F-W Corner and F-E Corner as well. And if you have any questions about which product is right for the job you need, just see our Spec Sheets here on our website for the exact specifications written by us the manufacturer. There is no guesswork involved when it comes to what our corners and all of our products can do. This is just another example of why dealing with the actual manufacturer is the absolute best way of doing business.
Our Elgen’s F Corners can be ordered with a simple phone call and we’ll even help you decide exactly which corner you need for the job you are working on. Our staff is trained to know the answers you need to make sure you get the right hardware or accessories the very first time. Elgen Manufacturing and our distribution arm Capital Hardware Supply are dedicated to combining to make the best hardware and the accessories you need and then delivering to you on time and with the exact specs in place.
Our Elgen’s F Corners are a prime example of how our time tested system works. If you are in need of HVAC hardware or accessories from duct to perhaps a top quality corner tool (The best you can buy with fully hardened jaws to resist any cracking), it’s nice to know that you can make a call straight to the people who make them every day and soon have your order on its way. And just as importantly know that they stand behind everything they produce and sell and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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